In this charged political environment, the cherished tradition of free expression is more critical than ever. The University of California's role is not only to protext free speech, but to guarantee it, even when many find its expression objectionable. I know that the Center is commited to upholding the values of the First Amendment.
Michael V. Drake
University of California President
Through the Center I have found a community of folks, in and out of academia, who are willing and able to engage with the complexities of some of the thorniest issues facing higher education today: free speech and inclusion, political polarization, democratic engagement, declining trust in institutions and expertise, and much more. Every interaction I have with the Center, whether through a year-long fellowship or a brief webinar, not only deepens my understanding of these challenges but also motivates me to actively contribute to their resolution
Elizabeth Niehaus
Associate Professor, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2022-2023 Senior Fellow
The arts serve as both a stage and a conduit for the dynamic process of civic engagement. Building a vibrant public culture requires intentionality, and the Center provides an extraordinary range of tools for that. Michelle Deutchman’s brief primer on free speech, for example, is a compass for freely expressing ideas while also uplifting civic engagement. The Center offers resources that help us better bridge the distance between intentions and impact
Tiffany López
Dean & Professor, Claire Trevor School of the Arts & Co-chair, Steering Committee, UCI Year of Free Speech