The UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement works to foster free speech and civic engagement on university campuses across the country, using diverse programming to highlight the work of experts in the field as they tackle the critical issues central to advancing campus discourse and democratic engagement. Your support is critical to continuing our work. Please feel free to make one of our suggested donations or a contribution of your choosing.

  • $50


    Support the Center's dynamic, thoughtful programming, ensuring we can offer it at no charge to campus stakeholders across the country.

  • $100


    Advocate for the principle of robust inquiry that fuels cutting-edge Center research on how to balance institutional values and create a campus climate that fosters growth and discovery.

  • $250


    Amplify the voices of fellows, faculty and students who are innovating to further free expression and democratic learning.

  • $1000


    Champion the Center's efforts to train and educate new generations of students, scholars, and practitioners about the integral role speech plays in safeguarding democracy

We are grateful to UCI for processing these donations, and to you for allowing us to continue our efforts to protect and promote free expression in higher education.